The staff and leadership here at AMC is comprised of men and women who love, care, and pray for every single person in the church. If you have questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them directly.

  • Rev. Joe Moore


        Rev. Joe Moore, born and raised in Winston-Salem, grew up as a 4th generation member of Ardmore Moravian Church. He was baptized and confirmed here and was active in Sunday School and Youth Fellowship. As a member of the Youth Fellowship, Pastor Joe preached his first sermon at Ardmore on Youth Sunday in 1984. Having graduated from R.J. Reynolds High School and UNCC, Joe answered God’s call to ministry and moved to Bethlehem PA to attend Moravian Theological Seminary. He graduated in 1998 and was ordained a deacon in the Moravian Church in June of that year, here at Ardmore Moravian.

          While in seminary, Joe married another seminary student, Kelly Huckle in 1997, with their wedding being held here at Ardmore Moravian. Kelly was also ordained in 1998. Together, they served as co-pastors of Palmyra Moravian Church (NJ), Mayodan Moravian, First Moravian Church of Georgia, and Fries Memorial Moravian in Winston-Salem. While serving at Fries, Pastor Joe also served as the Assistant to the President of the Provincial Elders’ Conference of the Moravian Church. From 2016 to 2020, he served as the Associate Pastor of New Philadelphia Moravian. From 2021-2024 he served as pastor of Bethania Moravian. Joe was installed as pastor of Ardmore Moravian on April 21, 2024.

           Pastor Joe was a member of the Board of World Mission from 2005-2014, serving as Chair of the board from 2007-2013. His work in the mission field includes mission trips to China, St, Kitts, Labrador, Alaska, and Jamaica. He has also been very active in the Moravian camping ministry at Laurel Ridge

           Currently, Kelly is the pastor of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Welcome, NC. Joe and Kelly have a son, Zachary, daughter Lauren and three grandchildren. 

  • Chris Heckman

    Director of Music/Organist

    Chris Heckman has served for over two decades as Director of Music, Organist, and Accompanist in Moravian, Presbyterian, United Methodist, and Catholic churches. Since 2011, Chris has been the Chair of Film Music Composition in the School of Filmmaking at The University of North Carolina School of the Arts (his alma mater).  He is a composer of music primarily for film, commercials, video games, ballet, and contemporary dance, and holds a B.M. in Music Composition from Florida State University, an M.F.A. in Film Music Composition from The University of North Carolina School of the Arts, and a Ph.D. in Music Composition for Visual Media (the first and only degree of its kind) from the University of California, Los Angeles.  Chris served as Ardmore's organist from July 2017 to February 2023.  He returned to Ardmore in April 2024 as Ardmore's Director of Music and Organist.